Red Carpet Premiere Film Tyler Perry’s Temptation in Atlanta March 17, 2013 Kim Kardashian conference and red carpet premiere his new film Tyler Perry’s Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor in Atlanta, geo...
Kim Kardashian Braked Traffic Violation in Studio City March 11, 2013 Pregnant Kim Kardashian pulled over by police officer on Monday, copes having a wernig to windows tinted too dark, reality star of her his b...
Kim Kardashian Honored and Publication DuJour Magazine Shoot March 06, 2013 Kim Kardashian celebrate honor guests recent DuJour magazine shoot, presented by DuJour's CEO and Founder Jason Binn, photographer by Br...
Kim Kardashian Celebrating New Year Eve at Sin city in Las Vegas January 01, 2013 Kim Kardashian was joined with her baby daddy Kanye West at New Year's Eve Bash Party in Las Vegas on Monday night December 31 2012. Ki...